DIY CLI Encryption Tool

Unit tests demonstrated that our library is correct (at least the first, non-backdoored version). We'll now use it to build a Command Line Interface (CLI) encryption utility!

Our tool will accept two arguments, a filename and a hexadecimal encryption key, and proceed to encrypt or decrypt the file on disk.

Given the simplicity of those requirements, we could easily build our CLI tool using only Rust's standard library:

  • The std::env module1 provides OS-agnostic argument access (not quite parsing), among other facilities.

  • The std::fs module2 provides OS-agnostic filesystem input/output (e.g. reading/writing files).

Using strictly std would be a fine way to proceed. If you're a purist, or you'd like to work through a problem without guidance, you can try adapting the below program to use only the standard library. But we're going to try out Rust's 3rd-party library ecosystem.

Real-world command line applications make use of various 3rd party libraries. Rust's CLI ecosystem offers plug-n-play (easy to build and link) argument parsing3, text coloring4, integration testing5, Text-based User Interfaces (TUIs)6, etc. A vast sea of community-maintained libraries make building and maintaining CLI apps a joy.

So let's go ahead and try out a popular library: we'll use the clap crate3 for argument parsing. clap uses Rust's macro system to enable declarative argument parsing logic, as we'll soon see.

Leveraging the growing Rust ecosystem

One of Rust's killer features is cargo, its official package manager and build system. We already used cargo to compile and test our RC4 library. But cargo's true value is how easy it makes leveraging libraries from the broader Rust ecosystem.

In modern development, the practicality of a programming language is a function of both core language features and the availability of domain-specific abstractions developed/maintained by someone else - in the form of libraries (called "crates" in Rust).

Software engineers need to ship quality code quickly. That means using existing code, when appropriate, to bootstrap our products. At the time of this writing,, the official centralized repository for Rust libraries, hosts over 75,000 crates.

Of course, not every crate is well-maintained, production quality, or secure. But we have many options from which to choose. And that number will continue to grow as the Rust ecosystem matures.

cargo will take care of downloading and building the latest version of clap. All we need to do is add one line to crypto_tool/rcli/Cargo.toml:

name = "rcli"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

rc4 = { path = "../rc4" }
clap = { version = "^4", features = ["derive"] }
  • features = ["derive"] enables an optional feature of the clap library: support for derive macros. It'll save us some boilerplate.

  • version = "^4" tells cargo that our tool uses the latest clap version >= 4.0.0 but < 5.0.0. We can assume API stability for 4.x.x versions because Rust crates follow semantic versioning (semver, e.g. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)7.

Notice that, unlike the rc4 dependency, we don't provide a local path for clap. cargo will download the source code from the first time we build or run our rcli project.

Can 3rd-party code be trusted?

Most software leverages 3rd-party code. But each external component we pull in risks introducing bugs and/or vulnerabilities into our system. For this reason, mature organizations have processes in place to vet dependencies and suppliers.

In some contexts, it's safer to audit the source of a 3rd-party dependency and only use the pre-audited version for all our builds. The setup of internal repositories and build systems is specific to individual companies and teams.

Note that, for certain problem classes, 3rd-party code actually reduces risk. Cryptography is a classic example: we're likely better off pulling in a mature library than writing our own implementation of the same algorithm(s).

While manual argument parsing isn't as risky in Rust as it is in C, using clap still reduces chance of error.

Parsing Arguments with clap

One of clap's most convenient features is the ability to annotate the fields of a structure. Each annotation, which is mechanically a Rust macro, generates code to take care of displaying and parsing arguments.

  • When a user invokes our CLI tool, we get a single structure with their requested settings/operations (Args in the below).

  • Instead of worrying about the intricacies of argument parsing, we can focus effort on our "business logic": actioning the fields of the structure to perform the requested tasks.

Let's see how this plays out. Add the below to crypto_tool/rcli/src/

use clap::Parser;

/// RC4 file en/decryption
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
struct Args {
    /// Name of file to en/decrypt
    #[arg(short, long, required = true, value_name = "FILE_NAME")]
    file: String,

    /// En/Decryption key (hexadecimal bytes)
        required = true,
        value_name = "HEX_BYTE",
        num_args = 5..=256,
    key: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();
    println!("{:?}", args);
  • Args is a struct with 2 fields:

    • file, a string that will contain the path/name of the file to be en/decrypted.

    • key, a dynamic array of individual, space-separated strings. Each string will be a hexadecimal byte of the key.

  • Highlights from clap's field annotations (macros of the form #[something(...)]):

    • short - generate a short argument name (e.g. -f for file).

    • long - generate a long argument name (e.g. --file for file).

    • required = true - argument must be provided to run the tool.

    • num_args = 5..=256 - enforces RC4's minimum 5 byte (40 bit) and maximum 256 byte (2048 bit) key length.

Our two-line main function currently just prints out the Args structure collected from user input. The format specifier {:?} allows us to use a default formatter, which Args supports because it derives the Debug trait. We'll talk about traits in the next chapter.

How would I learn about the annotations clap supports?

Rust has a built-in documentation system, rustdoc8. All public crates provided generated documentation, but its completeness varies by project. You can view clap's docs at

To run our work-in-progress CLI tool, as is, we can use the command cargo run -- --help:

RC4 file en/decryption

Usage: rcli --file <FILE_NAME> --key <HEX_BYTE> <HEX_BYTE> <HEX_BYTE> <HEX_BYTE> <HEX_BYTE>...

  -f, --file <FILE_NAME>
          Name of file to en/decrypt
          En/Decryption key (hexadecimal bytes)
  -h, --help
          Print help

The -- delimiter tells cargo to pass the remainder of the input to our CLI tool. In this case we're only passing the flag --help. Conveniently, clap implemented this flag for us. Since it's a common convention for CLI tools. Note how the comments (lines starting with ///) for each field of the Args struct are used as descriptions in the help output.

But --help doesn't run our main function. Let's try cargo run -- --file test.txt --key 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 to simulate regular usage of our tool. With the minimum five byte key length. Our main will print:

Args { file: "test.txt", key: ["0x01", "0x02", "0x03", "0x04", "0x05"] }

We have working argument parsing!

Implementing the File En/Decryption Logic

All that's left is the "glue" between our RC4 library and our new CLI front-end. Let's update main to (note the additional imports at the top):

use clap::Parser;
use rc4::Rc4;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::{Read, Seek, Write};

// `Args` struct omitted, unchanged...

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let args = Args::parse();
    let mut contents = Vec::new();

    // Convert key strings to byte array
    let key_bytes = args
        .map(|s| s.trim_start_matches("0x"))
        .map(|s| u8::from_str_radix(s, 16).expect("Invalid key hex byte!"))

    // Validation note:
    // `Args` enforces (5 <= key_bytes.len() && key_bytes.len() <= 256)

    // Open the file for both reading and writing
    let mut file = File::options().read(true).write(true).open(&args.file)?;

    // Read all file contents into memory
    file.read_to_end(&mut contents)?;

    // En/decrypt file contents in-memory
    Rc4::apply_keystream_static(&key_bytes, &mut contents);

    // Overwrite existing file with the result
    file.rewind()?; // "Seek" to start of file stream

    // Print success message
    println!("Processed {}", args.file);

    // Return success

We've added a return type for main: std::io::Result<()>9. We'll cover Rust's Result type in the next chapter. The important part here is that all fallible file I/O operations within main's body end with the ? operator. This tells the function to "short-circuit" if an operation fails and immediately return the error Result.

For example, say someone runs our program and provides a path to a non-existent file:

cargo run -- --file non_existant_file.txt --key 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05

The line let mut file = File::open(args.file)?; will fail and terminate the program with the following error:

Error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }

In a production-grade tool, we could handle errors gracefully, log them, or wrap them with more user-friendly output. If no errors are hit, we simply return an empty value ((), Rust's unit type10) wrapped in Ok to indicate success.

Our new main function has a few more pieces worth explaining:

  • No buffering: We read the whole file into memory at once, into the byte vector contents. Supporting large files could be made more efficient with a technique called buffering, where we only read/encrypt a small chunk at a time. This example aims for simplicity instead.

  • Optional byte prefix: The key conversion logic uses Rust's functional-style iterators. We'll discuss iterators at length later. Note that s.trim_start_matches("0x") allows our user to optionally add the prefix 0x to each byte. Meaning --key 01 02 03 04 05 would have been valid and equivalent input.

  • Input validation: Whenever you write code that parses input you don't control, that input is untrusted. It may be attacker-controlled. Validate it ASAP - before passing it along to any other component of your program or system. Our main uses a three step-validation:

    1. Valid key length: Instead of assuming our encryption library checks key length (which our RC4 implementation does!), we used an annotation on the key field in Arg (e.g. num_args = 5..=256). Try cargo run -- -f anything.txt -k 01 to see the error.

    2. Valid hex key bytes: .expect("Invalid key hex byte!") determines the error message thrown if the program receives an invalid string representation of a base-16 byte in the key input (e.g. "0xfg").

    3. Necessary file permissions: std::fs uses OS facilities to ensure the user has permissions to read and write the file provided. If they don't, our program will throw an error - similar to the Error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound... case we saw earlier.

What should we do if validation fails?

That depends on operational context. By terminating our CLI tool with an actionable error message as early as possible, we're practicing offensive programming:

  • We consider failing early to be an effective first line of defense. We believe there's benefit to never tolerating certain errors.

If our file encryption logic had been part of a networked service or protocol, we'd likely prioritize availability - keeping the system online and reachable. Defensive programming would be more appropriate:

  • We'd recover from failures with minimal disruption to the end-user.

That could mean returning an error (via status code or protocol message) and immediately reverting to listening for new file encryption requests. Instead of terminating.

Using the Tool

First, let's install our tool so that we can use it like any other command-line utility. From the crypto_tool/rcli directory, run:

cargo install --path .

You should now be able to run rcli --help. If you want to know where the actual compiled binary is located, run which rcli.

To try out the tool, create a text file with a secret message:

echo "This is a secret, don't tell anyone!" > secret.txt

We can use cat to verify the contents:

$ cat secret.txt
This is a secret, don't tell anyone!

The contents will no longer be printable after we encrypt. So let's view them with xxd now:

$ xxd -g 1 secret.txt
00000000: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 73 65 63 72 65 74  This is a secret
00000010: 2c 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 74 65 6c 6c 20 61 6e 79  , don't tell any
00000020: 6f 6e 65 21 0a                                   one!.

xxd displayed three columns:

  1. Left: the hexadecimal offset into the file.
  2. Middle: the raw contents of the file as a sequence of hexadecimal bytes.
  3. Right: the ASCII11 decoding of the raw bytes (our secret message).

The -g 1 flag makes each byte stand alone in that middle column.

Let's encrypt the file:

rcli -f secret.txt -k 01 02 03 04 05

You should see the output Processed secret.txt. If we run xxd -g 1 secret.txt again:

00000000: e6 51 0a 76 d0 54 b3 07 ad e3 21 2f 69 63 7d dc  .Q.v.T....!/ic}.
00000010: 45 a2 f0 20 76 db f6 f5 fd a1 6f c8 5a 6c 67 60  E.. v.....o.Zlg`
00000020: d9 e1 1d e3 87                                   .....

The bytes have changed because the file has been encrypted. Our rightmost column doesn't look like a sensible ASCII string anymore. Verify that you can decrypt the file and retrieve the original message by running rcli again.

Could our tool print "encrypting" or "decrypting" when processing the file?

As you've seen, encryption and decryption are really the same operation. We're XOR-ing with the keystream either way. In order to print a user-friendly message indicating if we've just hidden data or revealed it, we need to know the starting state of the file.

Turns out that's not a trivial task! You have to bridge the "semantic gap" to determine if an arbitrary sequence of bytes is or isn't an encrypted file. That's part of this chapter's challenge.

Major Checkpoint

We wrote a portable, memory-safe RC4 library and validated it against official test vectors. It can be used anywhere, even bare metal embedded systems.

Leveraging the clap crate and Rust's standard library, we then built a simple RC4 CLI tool. Our tool can be compiled for any major OS.

All in only 171 lines of code. Including all tests and implementing the cryptography from scratch. And that code is natively compiled - rcli is blazing fast. Not bad for your first Rust program.

Take a second to soak it in. You've already come quite far. When you're ready, we can close out this chapter with one last topic: operational assurance.


Module std::env. The Rust Team (Accessed 2022).


Module std::fs. The Rust Team (Accessed 2022).


Crate clap. clap-rs Project (Accessed 2022).


Crate owo-colors. jam1garner (Accessed 2022).


Crate assert_cmd. Ed Page (Accessed 2022).


Crate tui. Florian Dehau (Accessed 2022).


Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Tom Preston-Werner (Accessed 2022).


Type Definition std::io::Result. The Rust Team (Accessed 2022).


Primitive Type unit. The Rust Team (Accessed 2022).


ASCII. Wikipedia (Accessed 2022).