Rust: Control Flow (3 of 6)

Almost1 any useful program is going to make some decision based on a condition, or execute some logic multiple times. Thus every imperative programming language offers some mechanism for determining control flow: deciding the order in which individual statements get executed.

Languages tend to settle on the same handful of constructs for expressing control flow. Rust is no exception. Its pattern matching may be new to you depending on what language you're coming from, but its conditional statements and loops should feel familiar.

Conditional Statements

The if and else keywords work much like you'd expect.

fn conditional_print(num: usize) {
    if num > 10 {
        println!("{} is greater than 10.", num);
    } else if num % 2 == 0 {
        println!("{} is even.", num);
    } else {
        println!("{} is odd.", num);

fn main() {

The above outputs:

11 is greater than 10.
4 is even.
5 is odd.

What differentiates Rust is that the condition after the if keyword must evaluate to a bool type. There's no implicit casting allowed. This strictness helps obey another MISRA rule:

[AR, Rule 14.4] If expressions must evaluate to boolean types2

Many other languages don't enforce strict typing for conditional statements.

  • In Python, a None value is implicitly cast to false if a condition evaluates to it.

  • Likewise, in C, a zero integer is implicitly cast to false (and a non-zero is cast to true).

This doesn't hamper our ability to express a condition in Rust. x == None and y != 0 can still be written out explicitly. But it does eliminate one potential source of error.

While Loops

The while keyword lets us continue executing a loop as long as a boolean condition holds. The below prints a countdown from 10 to 1:

fn main() {
let mut countdown = 10;

while countdown > 0 {
    println!("{}...", countdown);
    countdown -= 1;

Rust doesn't support "do while" loops directly, but the same logic can be implemented with the loop and break keywords. An equivalent countdown could be implemented as:

fn main() {
let mut countdown = 10;

loop {
    println!("{}...", countdown);
    countdown -= 1;
    if countdown == 0 {

For Loops

The for keyword enables looping over any iterable. Take a range for example. The below prints the numbers 0 through 9:

fn main() {
for i in 0..10 {
    println!("{}", i);

What if we want to access the elements of a collection in a loop? On the surface, our for syntax seems to "just work":

fn main() {
use std::collections::{HashSet, BTreeSet};

// List
let list = vec![3, 2, 1];

println!("Iterating over vector:");

for item in list {
    println!("list item: {}", item);

// Ordered set
let mut o_set = BTreeSet::new();

println!("\nIterating over ordered set:");

for elem in o_set {
    println!("set element: {}", elem);

// Hash set
let mut h_set = HashSet::new();

println!("\nIterating over hash set:");

for elem in h_set {
    println!("set element: {}", elem);

But consider the output of the above:

Iterating over vector:
list item: 3
list item: 2
list item: 1

Iterating over ordered set:
set element: 1
set element: 2
set element: 3

Iterating over hash set:
set element: 2
set element: 3
set element: 1

Each collection has its own strategy for accessing elements:

  • Vec (a list) returns its values in the order they were inserted.
  • BTreeSet (an ordered set) returns values in sorted order, relative to each other.
  • HashSet (a hash set) doesn't have any notion of order - either sort or insertion.

Under-the-hood, each collection implements its own iterator. Each has its own logic, but shares a common interface: the Iterator trait3. The for loop leverages this interface to perform traversal of the underlying data structure.

Iterators are a key part of idiomatic Rust, we'll dedicate an entire chapter to implementing our own. For now, know that they enable a world of conveniences. like enumeration:

fn main() {
let list = vec![3, 2, 1];

for (i, item) in list.iter().enumerate() {
    println!("list item {}: {}", i, item);

// Prints:
// list item 0: 3
// list item 1: 2
// list item 2: 1

And functional transformations:

fn main() {
let list = vec![3, 2, 1];

let triple_list: Vec<_> = list.iter().map(|x| x * 3).collect();

for item in triple_list {
    println!("triple_list item: {}", item);

// Prints:
// triple_list item: 9
// triple_list item: 6
// triple_list item: 3

Iterators also prevent common errors, like Out-Of-Bounds (OOB) indexing. The help us comply with:

[AR, Rule 14.2] for loops must be well-formed2

Pattern Matching

In its simplest usage, pattern matching is akin to C's switch statement - we chose one action from a finite set.

We saw match-ing on enum variants in the previous section. This can be a convenient way to take different actions based on domain-specific context. To review:

pub enum State {

fn do_something_based_on_state(curr_state: State, pid: u32) {
    match curr_state {
        State::Running => stop_running_process(pid),
        State::Stopped => restart_stopped_process(pid),
        State::Sleeping => wake_sleeping_process(pid),

Unlike a C switch, pattern matching allows us to specify a list of expressions and a corresponding action for each. Expressions can encode relatively complex conditions succinctly. For example:

fn main() {
let x = 10;

match x {
    1 | 2 | 3 => println!("number is 1 or 2 or 3"),
    4..=10 => println!("number is between 4 and 10 inclusive"),
    x if x * x < 250 => println!("number squared is less than 250"),
    _ => println!("number didn't meet any previous condition!"),
  • The 1st match arm (1 | 2 | 3 => ...) specifies three literal values. It triggers if the matched variable, x, equals any of the three.

  • The 2nd arm specifies a range, 4 to 10 inclusive. It triggers if x is any value within the range.

  • The 3rd arm uses a guard expression. It triggers if x multiplied by itself is less than 250.

  • The 4th and final arm is a default case. It matches anything using the wildcard _. It's only triggered if none of the previous cases trigger.

Note that an input can't match multiple arms, only the first pattern it conforms to. Thus order matters.

Rust also requires matches to be exhaustive, meaning the programmer has to handle every possible case. Exhaustive matching of State variants in the first example was easy, there are only three: Running, Stopped, and Sleeping.

In the second example,let x = 10; didn't specify a type for x. So the compiler inferred i32 by default. Exhaustively matching every possible value of a 32-bit unsigned integer would be tedious - instead, each of our patterns covers a subset of possible values.

The fourth pattern, a wildcard default, is required to ensure we don't miss anything. If that line was omitted, we couldn't handle the case where x is 16, for example.

The exhaustiveness requirement ensures any match we write gracefully handles any possible input, which meets the spirit of another MISRA rule:

[AR, Rule 16.4] Switch statements must have a default case2

While the rule is specific to C's switch statement, the idea robust of matching carries over - we should never accidentally "fall through" a switch/match without taking an appropriate action.

Condensed Pattern Matching

Rust offers constructs for condensing pattern matching to a single, conditional action - triggered when a specific pattern fits (ignoring the rest). If you see if let and while let in Rust code, it's a shorthand for "drilling down" to a single match arm.

This syntax can be obtuse when starting out, so we'll gradually introduce it later in the book - in the context of a larger program. As a preview, consider this code (assume we're using our State enum from before):

let curr_state = State::Running;

match curr_state {
    State::Running => println!("Process is running!"),
    State::Stopped => {},   // Do nothing
    State::Sleeping => {},  // Do nothing

It's equivalent to this shorthand:

let curr_state = State::Running;

if let State::Running = curr_state {
    println!("Process is running!");

Notice how we print a message only for a Running state, but we don't have to exhaustively match different cases. Instead, if let allows conditional action only for a specific enum variant.

Aren't we losing robustness by ignoring the other cases, in light of the previous MISRA rule? Perhaps surprisingly, not quite.

  • if let is like any other if statement in that the body is only executed if a specific condition is true. By design, it's not intended to be exhaustive. if only "cares" about one case. And that's obvious to a reader.

  • A match supports multiple patterns and doesn't know which its input will trigger. By design, it's responsible for handling all of them. So the compiler enforces exhaustiveness. Something a reader might otherwise miss.

Deciding whether match or if let is appropriate depends on the context of the broader program.


Rust's control flow constructs aren't vastly different from other programming languages. while loops work like you'd expect, for loops are backed by iterators, "do while" can be emulated with alternative syntax. There's a bit more strictness - conditions must evaluate to booleans and pattern matching must be exhaustive if not using if let. Rust encourages a notion of correctness.

Pattern matching may be new to you, depending on your background. Its uses vary from simple switching on variants to complex matching of intricate patterns. But you probably won't need complex patterns often. And when you do, you'll be glad the feature exists!

We've covered data representation and control flow. It's time to dig into what makes Rust unique. The language's most distinctive and novel feature: ownership.


MISRA C: 2012 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems (3rd edition). MISRA (2019).


Trait std::iter::Iterator. The Rust Team (Accessed 2022).